April 28, 2023 In Meeting, Workshop

CBA, NCA and FRC follow up meeting With Telecom Operators and Mobile Money Service providers

CBA, NCA and FRC follow up meeting With Telecom Operators and Mobile Money Service providers The Central Bank of Somalia, National Communication Authority and Financial Reporting Centre had a follow up meeting with Telecom Operators…

April 6, 2023 In Meeting, Workshop

NAMLC’S follow up meeting: With Banks and Remittances

NAMLC’S follow up meeting: With Banks and Remittances Mogadishu, February 26th, 2023 – The National Anti-Money Laundering Committee had a follow up meeting with Banks and Remittances to discuss the implementation of orders issued by…

April 6, 2023 In Meeting, Workshop

NAMLC’S fourth meeting: Implementation of the orders issued by the committee in their previous meeting.

NAMLC’S fourth meeting:Implementation of the orders issued by the committee in their previous meeting Mogadishu, February 22nd, 2023 – The fourth National Anti-Money Laundering Committee took place in the Central Bank of Somalia on 22nd…

March 19, 2023 In Meeting, Workshop

The 5th NAMLC meeting took place on March 19’th at the Head Quarter of NISA

The 5th NAMLC meeting took place on March 19th at the Headquarters of NISA. The agenda of the meeting focused on the approval of the Mutual Evaluation subcommittee & to follow up on the last…

February 20, 2023 In Meeting, Workshop

NAMLC’S Third meeting The Somali National Anti-Money laundering Committee (NAMLC) measures to fight Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing.

NAMLC’S Third meeting The Somali National Anti-Money laundering Committee (NAMLC) measures to fight Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing. Mogadishu, February 05th, 2023 –The third National Anti-Money Laundering Committee took place in the Villa Somalia on…

January 30, 2023 In Meeting, Workshop

NAMLC’s second meeting: Preparation of upcoming Mutual Evaluation, National Risk Assessment Action Plan, and enhancement of AML/CFT work in the country.

NAMLC’s second meeting: Preparation of upcoming Mutual Evaluation, National Risk Assessment Action Plan, and enhancement of AML/CFT work in the country. Mogadishu, January 14th, 2023 –The second National Anti-Money Laundering Committee meeting took place in…

November 19, 2022 In Meeting, Workshop

NAMLC MEETING with CEOs of Banks, Remittances and Mobile Money Businesses

NAMLC MEETING with CEOs of Banks, Remittances and Mobile Money Businesses Mogadishu, November 12th, 2022 –Following up on the last NAMLC official meeting and the extraordinary meeting with the President of Federal Republic of Somalia…

November 19, 2022 In Meeting, Workshop

The Somali National Anti-Money laundering Committee (NAMLC) MEETING

The Somali National Anti-Money laundering Committee (NAMLC) MEETING Mogadishu, November 09th, 2022 – An extra ordinary high-level political meeting on combating ML/TF took place in villa-Somalia on November 6, 2022. Members of Somali National Anti-Money…

May 24, 2021 In Meeting, Workshop


MEETING OF THE SOMALI NATIONAL ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING COMMITTEE (NAMLC) The members of NAMLC held their quarterly meeting on 11th May 2021 at the Ministry of Finance in Mogadishu. NAMLC has the oversight responsibility of the…

March 17, 2021 In Meeting, Workshop

NAMLC-Task Force Meeting

The First Meeting Of NAMLC-Task Force was held in Mogadishu on 25th January 2021. It was discussed a number of important agenda including Operationalization and implementing NAMLC Decision Made.